
Velocity Bikefit Formthotics special heatmolded insoles adapted specifically to your feet
Velocity Bikefit Specialized S-Works roadbike


You’re about to enjoy the most important 3 hours for your cycling as a whole, VELOCITY BIKEFIT LLC can guarantee you, that straight after the Bikefit and especially 1-2 weeks after, you will realize unleashing you new potential, after 8 weeks your full potential is reached and you're the best version of yourself of the bike

And you realize, that this was
the best money ever spent, in your whole cycling history

Bikefit procedure:

Your PRO bike fit takes 3-4 hours and
consists of 4 phases:

  • Interview: Your history regarding injuries/goals, old injuries, crashes, work-related loads etc.

  • Examination: Your stability, core, mobility, flexibility and asymmetry – these tell about our prerequisite to sit on the bike

  • Bikefit: Actual bike fit starts where the scientific from biomechanics is combined with history and your optimal cycle position is worked out

  • Feedback period: For 85% of my Bikefits, your body will say ”thank you” and adopt and welcome the changes right away,  in general it takes 5-8 rides for your body to fully adopt the changes. Muscle tenderness can be expected. If articular tenderness occurs feedback is valuable

You will after the Bikefit experience:

  • Pain relief (pain and discomfort is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right and that it needs attention to avoid risking further injury)

  • More comfortable rides 
  • More effort/wattage into your pedals 
  • Able to train more on a weekly basis
  • Able to ride longer rides

  • Able to perform better on hilly/Green Mountain rides, since uphill rides magnifies any wrongdoing on your bike position

  • Ultimately all the above factors combined, will result in you being faster on your bike, hence my company name “VELOCITY"
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